Selected Interviews & Panels ft willy Palomo
Front page of Muse: Inspired by Utah (Fall 2020: The Creative Pivot Issue). Find the issue here. Find the YouTube video here.
The Writing Bull
Interviewed by Salvadoran novelist Marcos Villatoro, Spring 2018
Willy Palomo featured on KRCL. 4.9.2020 listen here. 10.7.2020 listen here. 4.29.2021 listen here. 4.19.2022 listen here. 5.23.2023 listen here.
A Documentary on Poetry and Mental Illness
Indiana Public Media, Spring 2017
selected Articles ft willy palomo
Willy Palomo leading a rally for sanctuary campus in November 2016.
Writers for Migrant Justice, SLC, feature in Slug Magazine, Fall 2017
Featured in "US lawmakers target undocumented student 'sanctuaries'" by Al-Jazeera, 2017
Featured on Bring it On! by WFHB, concerning undocumented issues, April 2017
Featured in "Seeking Sanctuary: IC debates sanctuary campus status" by The Ithaca, 2017
Featured in "'No Ban, No Wall' rally packs courthouse square" by the Herald Times, 2017
Featured in "Rally Seeks to Designate IU a Sanctuary Campus" by Indiana Daily Student, 2016
Featured in "Using Humanities to Connect High Schoolers to College" by Honorable Mention, 2014
Interview with Jose Pergentino and David Shooks
interview with fei hernandez and Janel Pineda
Performance and interview with Plan-B Theatre on Fire! by Carleton Bluford, a play about Wallace Thurman
Interview with Craig Childs for #Thrive125
interview with Yamile Saied Mendez
Gay Latinx Poetics Across Fronteras with Leo Boix, Francisco Aragón, and Alberto López Serrano
Interview with Plan-B Theatre