The House on Mango Street / Sandra Cisneros / 1984


Shoutout to all the Latinx writers who have yet to finish A House on Mango Street. I learned about this book in high school, even had my wonderful teacher Mrs. McCandless teach us a few passages from the book, even worked my way part of the way through it—then totally slept on it for more then ten years. I even attended Sandra Cisneros’ Macando retreat without having fully read it! (For the record, I’ve read a healthy amount of her other work and fallen deeply in love with it.) Usually when I find a book this magical, I get mad about the erasure of our literature from mainstream discourses and blah blah blah, but damn, with Mango Street I don’t event have the excuse.

Written in short flash fiction snapshots, Cisneros follows a Latina kid named Esperanza and tracks how working class neighborhoods like Mango Street defined her, frequently in limiting ways but ultimately in ways she appreciates. There’s a way these vignettes are sometimes portrayed as quaint or colorful in the interpretations of some of our teachers. The fact my teacher even suggested the book made me think it was safe and “positive.” I realize now that my teacher might have been trying to plant a seed, to give me a book to teach me a thing she couldn’t teach me about. My teachers didn’t share with the class and me the vignettes that more directly touched on gendered violence, sexual violence, and the degradations working class immigrant communities bear, even though they are critical aspects of the narrative, these so-called “adult” experiences we are not supposed to talk about with children.

I hold this book tenderly now, feeling foolish. Sometimes God puts a glass of water in front of us and we simply stare at it, complaining of our thirst, complaining of God’s cruelty. So much about this book is about power, autonomy, being able to forge a path beyond your circumstances, especially if you’re a young woman of color. Sandra Cisneros teaches us in the last chapter that the best way to love and honor a place sometimes is to leave it behind.

I recommend this book for everyone, but if you’re interested in Latinx lit, Feminist literature, or flash fiction, bump this to the top of your list. It will take you three hours to read if you’re slow. It’s the perfect book to read one chapter of each morning, letting the natural rhythms of your life to stretch out the narrative, so it feels like you’re almost moving at the exact same slow space of a child. But it’s mostly the perfect book for the morning, because the book focuses heavily on finding autonomy, freedom, an act that ultimately requires self-love, a self-love large and wide enough to sustain you when the world doesn’t.

Imaginary Borders / Xiuhtezcatl Martinez / 2020

Imaginary Borders / Xiuhtezcatl Martinez / 2020

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In 63 short pages, Martinez attempts to convince everyone, but especially youth and perhaps especially especially youth of color, to get involved in the environmental activism. What drew me to the book was Martinez’s blunt, no bullshit language and the hip-hop lean in his voice. What kept me there was his clear-eyed understanding of the challenges facing our planet, the solutions available, and the facts and research to back things up. In particular, Martinez writes a sharp argument for the urgent need to include people of color on the front lines of the movement. As someone who has spent the past year understand what intellectual traditions keep people of color out of environmental canons and programs and how writers and artists of color have contributed to the fight against climate change, I deeply appreciate Martinez punchy contribution. Written with urgency and in a casual conversational tone, Imaginary Borders is a perfect text for distracted and disillusioned teenagers. I recommend this book for environmentalists, young adults, and anyone interested in hip-hop activism.

I give this book a 3.5/5

As a side note, Xiuhtezcatl also raps. Their latest album is worth a listen and their discography fits cleanly alongside folks like Rebel Diaz, Logic, Flobots, Frank Waln, and other rappers joined by positivity and wokeness.

Ask Baba Yaga: The Audiobook Collection / Taisia Kitaiskaia / 2020

Ask Baba Yaga: The Audiobook Collection / Taisia Kitaiskaia / 2020

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A fascinating cross between poetry, magic, and self-help, Ask Baba Yaga transforms one medium’s advice column into a rich book of prose poetry, tackling the complex contours of contemporary society with both classic questions like “how do I get over this breakup?” and some funny-ass curve balls like, “how do I stop falling in love with everyone I meet?” I especially appreciate the dives into deeply relatable 21st century questions like “How Do I Deal with Climate Change?” and “How Do I Live in Peace as a Trans Woman?”

I especially recommend this book for lovers of tarot and magic, but on the real, we all need this kind of medicine on occasion. If I were you, I’d buy an illustrated hard copy and read some advice out of it every morning. The advice is frequently heavily poetic and metaphor, taking cues from the cliches and phrases in the inquirer’s question and fleshing them out with fantasy and grit. There are plenty of cryptic bits like sticks of cinnamon to chew and suck. Baba Yaga’s wisdom has cold, glittering eyes, but sometimes snow angels are closest we’ll ever get to heaven. I give this book a 5/5.

Special thanks goes to RJ Walker and Elle Alder for introducing me to this book in their podcast Mancy. To check out Mancy, go here:

Cure for the Common Universe / Christian McKay Heidicker / 2016

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Cure for the Common Universe / Christian McKay Heidicker / 2016

This book is hilarious. Especially if you have the sense of humor of a teenage boy and don’t mind curse words too much. I’m impressed by how many ways Heidicker managed to make Jaxon’s self-deprecating man boob jokes funny. Sophomoric jokes aside, I appreciated the emotional journey of the protagonist Jaxon on this one. While the majority of the plot tackles Jaxon’s cross-eyed infatuation with a teenage girl he had a five-minute (if that) encounter with, the novel successfully unravels Jaxon’s romantic naivete, family baggage, and teenage myopia. The conflict is this: Jaxon finally has a date on Friday, but on Monday, his parents force him to go to a video game rehabilitation center. Jaxon has four days to prove he’s well enough to leave the center and make it not only to his first date, but potentially his only chance at love in the universe. The rehab center features plenty of unexpected surprises, both within its bizarre programming and in the genuine wisdom teens learn at the facility. In my favorite scenes, Jaxon is called out for his privileges by a blunt queer fat Vietnamese teenage girl gamer, who despite facing racist bullying at the rehab center, manages to come off as more than a stereotype and one of the most fleshed out characters among the gamers. Much less can be said of Soup, a child Jaxon bullies and although he ultimately deeply regrets his behavior, Jaxon (and thereby the reader) aren’t afforded a glimpse into Soup’s full humanity.

Gamers will find a plethora of deep cut references to scratch their nerdy bones, but even if your gaming knowledge is limited, you will still find plenty to hang out to with this book.

Please gift this to a teenager in your life, especially if they have a doofus sense of humor. I recommend this book for anyone interested in YA, video games, masculinity, and fiction. I give this a 5/5.

March 2020 to March 2021 Book Review Outcomes

Here are some quick stats for my reading for 2020 to 2021. I read 67 books, which feels like a low number, so my goal for this upcoming year will be to try to break that record by at least 10.


Benchmark 1: Utah vs Non-Utah: It looks like I’m reading enough Utah authors for my work.

Benchmark 2: Genre: I should read more theatre, but otherwise, it looks like my reading habits are pretty even.


Benchmark 3: Gender: I need to read more women.

Benchmark 4: Ethnicity: I’m not reading enough Latinx or Black literature!!!

Benchmark 5: International lit vs US lit: I definitely want to be reading more literature in translation. I’ll try to double this number, I think.

Benchmark 6: Sexuality: It looks like I have a healthy amount of queer folks.


August to March Round-Up: 27 Books!

Hello world,

August 2020 to October 2020, my only real goal every day was getting through my workday. My therapist specifically had me working on not caring how productive I was each day, so I can base my self-love and self-worth on something other than my productivity. I appreciate my therapist for the revolutionary challenge and change she sparked in me and my sense of self. It really helped connect me to a truer, more peaceful version of myself. Anyway, personal growth aside, I managed to keep reading a lot, but fell very behind on the book reviews. In late March 2020, I made the goal of writing a book review for every book I read throughout a year. In a desperate attempt to keep by my personal goal, here’s a round-up of 27 books I read that I didn’t get around to writing a complete blog post for.

Unforgetting: A Memoir of Family, Migration, Gangs, and Revolution in the Americas / Roberto Lovato / 2020

One of the most comprehensive books on the contemporary Salvadoran migrant experience ever written. I hope it becomes a classic in Central American and Latinx studies. It’s all here: 1932, the civil war, migration, understanding gang violence, and one man’s reflections and making sense of it all. It’s a book I wish I would have read when I was 13. Lovato is one of our fiercest and sharpest voices. With the swagger of a once-gang member, once-born again Christian, and once revolutionary, Lovato writes in searing, lucid prose. I recommend this book for anyone interested in Latinx and Latin American histories, international politics, memoir, war literature, or gang literature. 5/5

The Book of Delights / Ross Gay / 2019

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Written during the Trump era, Ross writes blunt, poetic observations of his daily life, in an attempt to flesh out the delight. In doing so, Ross opens our senses to the wonder and deliciousness, sometimes quotidian, sometimes spectacular, always somehow ubiquitous. Listening to this book is one of the most healing things I’ve done and practiced in the past month. This is not a book without its share of sorrow and loss, but a practice in staying present in the moment and finding the stars in the darkness. I recommend this book to everyone, but especially think it provides a valuable contribution to Black studies, as it focuses on Black joy rather than Black suffering. 5/5

Tao Te Ching: A Book about the Way and the Power of the Way / Lao Tzu, rendered by Ursula Le Guin / 2019

I first discovered the Tao Te Ching through a poetic rendition of it in my local library in 8th grade. It was about the same time I discovered The Gospel of Thomas and The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom, two books that rattled my sense of self and the world. At the time, it provided me with a larger sense of meaning and spirituality when my then-Mormon worldview began to fray at the edges.

When I saw that literary powerhouse Ursula Le Guin had a rendition, I got my hands on it immediately. I worked my way through this book in the mornings and re-discovered some of the hardest earned lessons of my life, elucidated in pocket-sized stanzas in a language clear as water. They served as important reminders in a world constantly trying to distract us and convince us of other urgencies and priorities. Le Guin’s rendition is by far my favorite. It includes helpful—not distracting or pedantic—footnotes that help you wrestle with the meaning of the text. The notes includes critiques, etymologies, competing translations, Le Guin’s own wrestlings with the difficult language and sometimes obscure meaning.

Many of the translations of the Tao te Ching lose its humor, its fluidity and its clarity, reveling instead in obscurity and literalism. Le Guin makes Lao Tzu feel human. I recommend this book to everyone, especially martial artists, philosophers, the religious, and anyone going through traumatic experiences. 5/5

Letters to a Young Brown Girl / Barbara Jane Reyes / 2020

I was first introduced to Barbara Jane Reyes through Soleil David during my MFA program. I am incredibly indebted to her as Reyes is—or at least should be—one of the most important voices in poetry land, especially when it comes to women of color. Written mostly in prose poetry, Letters to a Young Brown Girl reads with the clarity and down-to-earth-ness of Yesika Salgado and the blade of Natalie Diaz in my opinion, a great marriage of staple content and razor sharp form. Anyone looking for music recommendations will be grateful to see a series of poems inspired by songs important to Reyes coming of age. If you are trying to raise a young woman que no se deja, with as much metaphor as passion in her eyes, you want to pass along this book. If you are trying to raise a human who honors the grit and wisdom of the women in their lives, pass along this book. While aimed at a younger audience, it is not without maturity and wisdom. I recommend this book to anyone interested in Filipinx literature, Asian studies, YA literature, and contemporary poetry. 3/5

Summerlost / Allie Condie / 2016


I should begin this quick review by admitting, I was very resistant to liking this book. It’s about Cedar City, a place where I worked overtime almost every week, basically had zero friends, was suffocated by whiteness and conservativism, and where I was incredibly lonely. Condie’s attempts to portray the place in a wistful, poetic, and even beautiful light were not welcomed by me!

Condie’s middle-grade novel covers the story of a young biracial (white and Asian) girl who has recently lost her father and younger brother to a car accident. Written in short, micro-fiction sized chapters, the book moves along quickly while somehow still capturing the smell-the-roses pace and atmosphere of life in rural Utah. Grief, especially at such a young age, is difficult to capture. Yet here, with tenderness, Condie renders the healing of a young girl, who finds ways to treasure and remember those she has lost, while developing new relationships and memories to push her forward. I'm also heartened—and I should say it, impressed!—to see the inclusion of a biracial Asian American character without letting racial issues subsume the rest of the book. The protagonist is a fully developed character and not merely a microcosm of larger race issues.

I recommend this book for everyone, especially 1) children dealing with grief and death, 2) white people trying to learn how to write POC characters, 3) people who need an easy read that will nurture and warm them and won’t demand your work brain to be on without sacrificing craft. This is a book you can cozy up to after a difficult day. 5/5

Appropriation: A Provocation / Paisley Rekdal / 2021

Writing about cultural appropriation usually makes me wanna pull my hair out. Even when I agree with the authors of the think pieces and hot takes, it’s a hard thing to talk about without sounding like you are too woke, foaming at the mouth, the champions of so-called “cancel culture.” Here, Paisley steps into these troubled waters with the grace of a dolphin who knows choreographed swimming routines. She manages to talk about these thorny issues with a clear-eyed precision, compassion, and without become belaboring. The fear of offending someone and clumsily crossing a line haunts many contemporary writers, so it is especially apt and touching to see this collection of essays written to an imaginary student, wrestling with insecurities and difficult subject material, who is asking for advice. This book should be required in every creative writing curriculum, and it should have been required decades ago. It would have saved many a young writer from the grief of muddling through these complicated issues on their own. It would have saved quite a few from getting their work trampled for sloppy renditions of cultures they didn’t know enough about.

I recommend this book to every creator, writer, and artist. It should be a staple of ethnic studies. It should win a grammy too. 5/5

Hood Criaturas / féi hernandez / 2020

féi deserves a spot in poetry right next to Danez Smith and Christopher Soto. Nonbinary, undocumented, and 100% magical, their debut collection of poems has an explosive use of form from the guttural anger of the prose poems “dontcomeformyhood” and “Brunch” to the slick quatrains of “When They Leave, a Pantoum.” While the collection deals with the very real traumas of PTSD and migration, it also celebrates and fights for its joy in poems like “first real nations of nations”. féi has so much soul and punch. I am grateful to get to peer into their light. I recommend this book to anyone interested in undocu literature, LGBTQ+ literature, Latinx literature, “political” poetry and contemporary poetry. 4/5

American Grief in Four Stages / Sadie Hoagland / 2019

14 stories in 155 pages, each with their own seductive sadness. I found myself sinking deeper into my seat, lowering into the sofa breathing this one in deep. These are inglorioIus struggles: a military veteran half-heartedly attempting to kindle a romantic relationship, a teenager trying to make sense of the suicide of his bright and popular little brother. The only reason I’m not giving this five out of five is because a few stories didn’t jump as high as the others, including “Fucking Aztecs” which repeats unfortunate stereotypes about natives. I especially dug stories like "Dementia, 1692”, which takes us back to witch hunts in Puritan America with a glass melting rhythm and sorrow. I recommend this collection to anyone interested in short fiction. 3.5/5

The Beethoven Sequence / Gerald Elias / 2020

I didn’t finish this political thriller. I stopped on this passage and realized all my suspicions that The Beethoven Sequence was, in fact, a bad book, and not simply a book that I wasn’t really interested were true. I especially hated that this book used the really politically fraught story of a man falsely accused of sexual violence as a mere plot device. Here is the passage that made me finally give up on reading, admittedly a couple of hundred pages too late:

“I’ve got this Mr. Clean fantasy,” she says, kissing the top of his head. “I have this thing about bald men. Have I ever mentioned that?”

“Even bald sex offenders?”

“They’re the best kind.”

His hand is inside her bathrobe, and he stands up to make it easier for her to find his zipper. He hasn’t been with a woman since the nightmare started eleven years before. Before his wife left him. Before he spent nine lonely years in prison. He can’t wait any longer. He presses his mouth against hers and she presses back. He pins her on her back on the kitchen table. She tears at his jeans and underpants and grasps his penis, pulling it insider her. He unties her robe and squeezes her breasts, hard. Eyes closed and her head back, she supports herself on her elbows, wrapping her legs around Whitmore’s waist. Her right hand falls into Whitmore’s dinner plate. As he presses into her, she grabs a handful of potato salad and coleslaw and smears it over his face and stuffs it into his mouth. Covering his lips with hers, the two of them tongue the food back and forth from one mouth to the other.

“You like chicken?” she whispers as she licks his face.

“What kind of question is that?” he pants. “Yeah. I suppose.”

“Good. Me, too.”

Feeling behind her for the remains of a chicken drumstick, she clutches it and slowly slides it into and then out of his mouth, as far as it will go, both of them licking at it, sucking on it. She wraps an arm around his neck as he rides her, his body spasming out of control. His wraps his arms around her back, pulling her toward him. He wants it to go on forever, but it has been such a long time. He shudders as he empties himself into her. He sinks onto her chest, panting, laughing, and crying at the same time.

“House confinement has its rewards,” he says, when his breath returns.”

I don’t recommend this book. 0/5

Women Who Run With Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype / Clarissa Pinkola Estés / 1989 & Under Saturn’s Shadow: The Wounding and Healing of Men / James Sollis / 1994

I read Women Who Run With Wolves because it was recommended to me my many women of color in my life and even my therapist. I read Under Saturn’s Shadow, similarly, because men of color close to me found this title powerful. Both these books strengths are also their greatest weaknesses. Namely, they both essentialize and flatten men and women a tad bit too much to fit into the archetypes they are interested in. As someone whose gender identity and expression doesn’t fit neatly into femininity or masculinity, I struggled a lot to see myself in either book, although I felt pieces of both deep inside me. Women Who Run With Wolves is especially for women who have had to repress themselves under the pressure of racism and patriarchy. Under Saturn’s Shadow is especially for men with a lack of father figures in their lives. Both have deep poetic moments that will sweep you off your feet—it just might not be the norm. If you aren’t into Freudian and Jungian psychology, these probably aren’t for you. I give both 2.5/5.

Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise / Gene Luen Yang / 2012

I stepped into the Avatar comic series tentatively. I read them for free online, even watched a couple dubbed on YouTube. At the time, I was dreadfully depressed and needed something to just get me to the next day. So I binged, escaping into the world of Avatar. I was impressed by how good the comics are! It’s hard to keep the integrity of such a beloved and masteful series, but Gene Luen Yang pulls it off! Here tensions between Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko emerge as Zuko begins to negotiate with the Earth Kingdom over colonized lands. The plot creates a powerful snapshot of some of the complex cultural mixing that happen during colonization and lived up to my hopes and dreams for the series. I recommend this to all youth and anyone interested in children’s literature. 5/5

Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Search / Gene Luen Yang / 2013

One of the greatest mysteries in the Avatar series is what happens to Zuko’s mom. This comic rewards fans’ patience and curiosity and doesn’t fail to deliver a powerful, coherent story, covering this important mystery in Avatar lore, doing a great job of capturing the struggles of women in oppressive marriages. I recommend this to all youth and anyone interested in children’s literature. 5/5

Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Rift / Gene Luen Yang / 2014

This comic is especially good for talking with children about the complications of modernization and the importance of environmental stewardship. Avatar Aang fails to create balance in this issue, prioritizing friendships over peace between humans and spirits. This is a fraught decision, and Yang handles it well. 4/5

Avatar: The Last Airbender: Smoke and Shadow / Gene Luen Yang / 2015

This comic rewards us with the return of our favorite villain Azula, and she is somehow even more mad, reckless, and bone-chilling. She goes to ghastly extremes to disrupt Zuko’s reign in this one. Zuko learns hard lessons about the dark side of power and the importance of freedom. 5/5

Avatar: The Last Airbender: North and South / Gene Luen Yang / 2016

This series is especially good for talking about intracultural colonization and conflict. Katara and Sokka have to navigate not only coming from a defeated culture whose knowledge has largely been destroyed by war, but also trying to figure out power dynamics with sister tribes with more power. It is a little heavy on the politicking in my opinion, but a decent contribution the Avatar world 3/5

The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars / Michael Dante DiMartino / 2017

Again, I was impressed by how they sustained the integrity and the feel of the TV series. So, I enjoyed and was annoyed by all the same aspects of the comics as I was of the TV series. That said, I deeply enjoyed the way the series navigated the Korra and Asami’s lesbian relationship, creating believable conflict in a supportive family. The new villain is a logical outcome of the spirit world intermingling with the human world. 3/5

The Legend of Korra: Ruins of Empire / Michael Dante DiMartino / 2019

Here, DiMartino tries to create a redemption arc for Kuvira and deals with election stealing. It may have been the less-than-graceful attempts to reconcile Kuvira’s crimes and create a transformed character. It may have been the fact I was reading this alongside endless news about the US election. But this one had me as dissatisfied with it as I was with the Kuvira arc. 2/5

Them: Why We Hate Each Other—and How to Heal / Ben Sasse / 2018

As I live in a red state, I follow conservative Reddit, am a registered Republican, and now read conservative books to try to understand how to best do cultural and social justice work in this state. Sasse is an interesting figure in the Republican party, voting to impeach Trump but otherwise your run-of-the-mill small-town Republican with a love of pickup trucks, fear of porn, and belief in small governments. I profoundly disagree with Sasse’s romanticization of US history. In one passage, for example, he strains, arguing that the US is exceptional for abolishing slavery, ignoring the fact that plenty of Latin American and European countries abolished slavery before us. Abolishing slavery is a low standard for “exceptional” behavior and even in the scheme of the rest of the world, we were mediocre at best. If you can get past the warped and idealized renditions of US history and tearful patriotism on occasion, you might feel the empathy Sasse has for people navigating the digital revolution and the love he has for community building. Sasse might get a little preachy about building an authentic meaningful work and family life and about avoiding the toxicities of social media, but the majority of Sasse’s observations are hard to disagree with. I recommend this book to anyone trying to understand contemporary US conservatism and contemporary American politics. 2/5

The Only Good Indians / Stephen Graham Jones / 2020

I fell in love with Stephen Graham Jones when I first read Mapping the Interior last February. Jones is literary without pretension, popular for his horror and fantasy that draws heavily on Native lore, social issues, and intergenerational trauma. In the first story, racism is just as threatening of a force as the fantasy monster, as he is chased by both bigoted white men and an elk-monster. In general, his characters are Native men at various levels of stuckness, trying and failing to gain a better grip on their social and economic circumstances. It’s absolutely chilling to see some of them descend into madness, narrated in a brilliantly eerie voice and turn. His characters speak like real people of color, swearing, throwing shade on white folk, and navigating fraught cultural heritages. I recommend this book to anyone interested in horror, fantasy, Native literature, and fiction. 4/5

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Calvin and Hobbes: Volume 1 / Bill Watterson / 1987

My partner bought me this book for Christmas because I never really read Calvin and Hobbes much and the comic strip was an important part of her childhood and is a fundamental part of her humor. While these comics didn’t often make me laugh out loud, they are incredibly charming. I particularly enjoyed watching how the comics played with gender, sometimes even subverting some masculine expectations for a tickle. C&H is wholesome, pure playfulness is a world that seems to very interesting versions of that. 4/5

Homegoing / Yaa Gyasi / 2016

Following a well-worn path in Black literature, this novel covers the story of a family in a Ghanaian village, eventually torn apart by the slave trade. It alternates the perspectives of the family left behind in Ghana, as well as the part of the family that will become African American and carries us all the way to the present. I especially appreciated the African portions of the novel, as they traced less familiar terrain (to me), including 1) the story of family that did business in the slave trade and the conflict it created between relatives 2) the story of a queer son in Ghana, navigating African leadership and social pressures of the slave era, and 3) the story of a woman condemned for witchcraft and the death of her child. Deeply lyric and wounding, Gyasi’s writing is carefully carved, chiseled sharp and penetrating. I recommend this book to anyone interested in multiple perspectives in fiction, stories about intergenerational trauma, and Black literature. 4/5

My Woman Card is Anti-Native and Other Two Spirit Truths / Petrona Xemi Tapepechul / 2016

A transgender woman, language worker, actor, poet, playwright, model, and the Artistic Director of Angel Rose Artist Collective, Petrona Xemi Tapepechul is a beauty and joy we don’t deserve. She works with ANIS to preserve the Nawat language in Central America. This collection centers on identity development, especially in fraught politicized contexts. You can critique it for its bluntness, use of form, and the centering of its stanzas, but if you’re reading it for polished literary craft, you’re here for the wrong reasons. This is an enunciation of self, creating space in a world trying to kill you, and doing it with finesse. Xemi is a force. 3/5

Terroir: Love out of Place / Natasha Sajé / 2020

I should start this off by saying I am absolutely the worst person to review this book. Natasha Sajé has been my mentor, former professor, letter of recommend writer, and has—like any teacher—shaped me for better and worse. As a young slam poet, I troubled her office hours with my dreams of becoming a great writer, and she carefully, albeit brutally honestly, provided me with feedback, excellent opportunities, and a place to work out my relationship with writing. I got my feelings hurt a couple of times, some of which I blame on my own arrogance and naivete, and other times due to my own frustrations that Natasha was not the hip-hop-fluent, Spanish-speaking, Central American mentor I really wanted. Our relationship has evolved from one of student-teacher, to colleague-colleague in some ways. I would not be anywhere near where I am today without Natasha, and I’m indebted and grateful for her mentorship. Needless to say, however, our relationship is rich and complex.

As much as I got a small window into her academic presence and felt like I knew her, I knew extremely little about her life and what shaped her. My first year of grad school I read a short essay by Natasha online and was stunned to learn that Natasha was once married to a Black man and that he died tragically and that I likely first met her when she was in the throes of her mourning.

Terroir is an uncomfortable book for many reasons. It deals with the grief of losing her husband and her journey of growth as a white person on racial issues. There are some sticky moments, as when describing her father’s racism, Sajé writes out the N-word, among other slurs her father used. She describes people of color using the clichés of chocolate and food. And while I’m sure that there are a number of moments in the book that will make some people of color cringe, its value comes in Sajé’s willingness to be vulnerable and acknowledging her past mistakes. This is hard work, but as far as white people processing race issues goes, it’s a worthwhile effort.

My favorite parts of the book were the bits that described her queer coming-of-age and her lesbian marriage. Natasha did a great job capturing the beauty of her relationships, whether its with her late husband, current partner, or childhood caregiver. I recommend this book for anyone interested in reading up about relationships, memoirs, and white perspectives on racial issues. 2/5

Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in LA / Luis Rodriguez / 1993

A predecessor to Unforgetting above, Always Running tells the gritty tale of Luis Rodriguez’s turbulent coming-of-age, including the sex, drugs, gang life, and racism he experienced as a kid. It serves as a powerful map of his way out violent behavior, including the social and school programs that provided important outlets and space for Latinx youth to process issues important to their lives. Always Running includes a fiery argument in favor of ethnic studies courses in high school and the importance for youth of color to see themselves represented. Rodriguez highlights the young women who led his high school activism and the young girlfriends that were good influences on his life.

This book broke into my soul. It covers race riots, murders, drug addiction, the too often unacknowledged scars communities of color suffer generation after generation. It is a required read in LA county I heard, and it should be a required read everywhere in North America. 5/5

The Shadow of Kyoshi / F. C. Yee / 2020

Kyoshi’s conflict with Kuruk, her efforts to create effective change rather than petty vigilante justice, and her conflict with Yun create a tense path for her to follow. While I’m usually not a fan of the politic heavy aspects of certain Avatar storylines, Yee manages to make them interesting by portraying them through Kyoshi’s unique perspective as an orphan turned Avatar and her general clumsiness as Avatar. We get to share her frustration and confusion at the elaborate social rituals of the Fire nation for example. This book was the entertaining, adventurous, emotional read I was hoping for. I recommend it to anyone interested in Fantasy, Asian literature, LGBTQ+ relationships in literature, martial arts, and YA lit.

Disparates / Patrick Madden / 2020

in Disparates, Provo Writer Patrick Madden is purposefully frivolous, tacking in his essays tangential musings whose charm is found in their quirkiness, their dorkiness. This can be really tickling and clever if you are into the vibe, but in general they are the dad jokes of an erudite English professor. I recommend this to anyone interested in seeing the range of forms used in contemporary non-fiction essays. 2/5

Memorias from the Beltway / Mauricio Novoa / 2020


This is a hard-hitting poetry collection with lines that will dagger and snipe like a battle rapper. An heir to the styles of John Murillo and Quique Aviles, Mauricio Novoa reps DC Salvis well. With references to Romero and Roque, poems that are raps with an easygoing fluency in rhyme, this book is everything I love about poetry. Here, Novoa writes about his upbringing in the Beltway, rapping about basketball, police violence, poverty, yes, but also touching poems about his father’s tenderness on Novoa’s first day of school or “Muthafuckin’ Trees,” which is a city boy’s ode to nature. I’m especially grateful for this gift and look forward to tracing Novoa’s sure to be exciting literary career. I recommend this book to anyone interested in Salvi lit, Central American lit, Hip-hop, contemporary poetry, rhyme, and men of color. 5/5

Girls Lost / Jessica Schiefauer, trans. Saskia Vogel / 2011, trans 2020

Girls Lost / Jessica Schiefauer, trans. Saskia Vogel / 2011, trans. 2020

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I bought this Swedish book for its queer and quizzical premise: three teenage girls and besties discover a plant that magically transforms them into teenage boys; while two of the girls use the plant recreationally for a bit, one of them gets addicted to the experience of masculinity, causing a riff in their relationship. The premise obviously steers into the territory of trans experiences and issues, but the thing is, I cannot find any evidence that the author is in fact LGBTQ+. I opened the book out of curiosity about how the experience of trading genders was managed. I kept reading because the translation is written in absolutely intoxicating, poetic prose. On average, the chapters are about 3-to-4 pages, making for a snappy and rewarding read. Schiefauer is boss at these flash fiction sized chapters.

Like most teenage stories, the logic of this one only works if you assume parents and teachers were somehow severely disconnected and not present in the teenagers’ worlds, yet somehow leading otherwise quite normal lives. The girls first experience the effects of this magical plant during a sleepover, but need to sneak out on subsequent nights to play with the plant. Schiefauer does an excellent job of capturing the exhilaration these girls must have felt, experiencing a man’s strength and lustfulness for the first times. Their social interactions with other young boys contrast immensely with their experiences in a female body: “We encountered boys. Made eye contact for a fraction of a second, then they sort of just looked past us, past our eyes. It was strange. No slick, slippery looks, no desire, no grins, nothing that crept under our skin and sank its teeth in.”

Despite being familiar with the impacts of toxic masculinity, Kim quickly falls in love with its embodiment in Tony, a young, but older man Kim befriends. Tony leads a small group of teens through rebellious activities: drinking booze and smoking, breaking into junkyards to rev up cars. The group follows a strict pecking order based on his discretion, where Kim competes for attention with other young men. Girls Lost ultimately rejects toxic masculinity once Tony crosses a line and Kim responds violently. Time gets really weird during the end of the novel, expanding and contracting, as Kim spends a number of years in hiding.

This is where the biggest critique of Girls Lost comes in: Girls Lost is written in a way that makes it seem like the author was unfamiliar with trans and queer community in ways that would have substantially changed the narrative. For example, after Kim ages, she never considers simply taking testosterone and it’s never even presented as an option. The young girls never find queer community and culture. Despite moments of homoeroticism between Tony and Kim, despite a strange heterosexual encounter between Bella and Kim, Girls Lost largely dodges discussions of LGBTQ+ community and how people felt about queer issues in their community. According to Wikipedia, Sweden is one of the most socially progressive countries in the European Union when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights. I’m not sure how that translates to the queer communities lived experience, but this novel—which was a hit in the country—suggests that sexual and gender minority communities might still be woefully misunderstood or spoken over.

As harsh some of my critiques seem, this is one of the most fun books I read all year and I would absolutely love to teach it one day.

I recommend this book for those interested in YA, international literature, translation, and the representation of LGBTQ+ groups.

Virga & Bone / Craig Childs / 2019

Virga & Bone / Craig Childs / 2019


I first encountered the work of Craig Childs at Star Hall in Moab, Utah. The room was packed with locals hanging on his every word, especially as he described the rapturous beauty of flying through a virga. My partner was so impressed by his passion that she bought a copy of his book. While she was getting it signed, she mentioned she was a PhD student in Literature and a bashful Childs told her he wrote the book very, very hastily and to please not judge him too harshly. After reading Virga & Bone, all I have to say is if this isn’t Childs in top form, then Child’s other books must be bomb-ass. A true romanticist, his writing swells and sighs over our landscape. A snappy read, the language glides beneath your eyes like a magic carpet. Childs speaks with the voice of someone eroded, but not hardened by desert. He speaks with a blunt wisdom about its dangers and risks, but also with undeniable and infectious love. At the event, Childs talked about how his real aim in writing is not to make people read, but to make people go out to reverently, ecstatically experience the wonders of the Southwest on their own. His books are only supposed to hold you down while you wait for your next excursion, as most of us can’t live a nomadic life backpacking across our sparse, sparkling deserts.

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Another aspect of the book I appreciate is Child’s understanding of the history of the land. He weaves in bits of Navajo language and culture without stereotyping or exoticizing. Neither does it feel like he is speaking over or for Navajos or other indigenous groups. Reflecting on his relationship to the land, he argues, “If there was ever an illegal alien, I felt like one. I was walking over histories as if the earth was the only history, an error of arrogance and blindness I didn’t know I had… I’d been speaking it thinking myself a prince, an explorer. Now I was exploring the trenches of a canyon looking for the way out.” While I cringed at the word “illegal alien,” I appreciate his gesture of acknowledging how his whiteness shaped his relationship with the land and how part of the work of knowing this land is knowing its history beyond European colonialism. Later on, Childs speaks of the Southwest as an “exchange route”, a “Silk Road of North America.” In describing the history of the landscape, he names the atrocities, the “children in cages,” “murdered women,” and “concentration camps.” Childs uses the Southwest’s history as a counterargument against harsh and strict immigration policy. “Ask any shell trader a thousand years ago and they’d tell you that blocking the flow in a place like this will be a problem,” Childs reminds us. For someone who manages to stay otherwise politically neutral, I deeply appreciate these clear-eyed gestures.

If you love the outdoors, you’ll love Childs work.

I recommend this book for anyone interested in Utah, non-fiction, environmentalism, and deserts.

Now in Color / Jacqueline Balderrama / 2020

Now in Color / Jacqueline Balderrama / 2020


Jacqueline Balderrama is a Latina poet who will expand the boundaries of Latinx writing beyond stereotype. Now in Color dances around the issue of authenticity. Featuring a series of definition poems in Spanish, the collection attempts to build a more intimate relationship with a language that is connected yet alien to Balderrama as she wasn’t raised speaking it. As a native Spanish speaker, I don’t see myself reflected in these poems, and I don’t necessarily relate. Some of the pronunciations even feel off to me: take “ES-pear-AHN-sah” for esperanza and “ohs-COO-ro” for oscuro. But that’s besides the point. These poems are about finding magic in the Spanish language as someone who is learning it, as someone who needs the language to access parts of their home. My favorite poem in the collection is even one of these definition poems, “panza”:

After four children, her shape is lonely

for the time she is most happy.

She practices locating her core in dance—

hula and flamenco at the Senior Center

where, the youngest of the elderly, she feels like a teenager

again. In performances, my sisters and I fold back

into the ocean waves of her fingers, her hips, her shore.

Balderrama excels most in these snapshot images that slowly drip off the page. They are some of the hardest poems to write without losing your audience in a yawn. In “Some Horses,” Balderrama describes the moment when incarcerated people first meet the horses they are to care for. I never thought the city boy in me would ever find the image of “sweet-smelling blocks of hay dry in gated fields” so moving! But it is.

Throughout the collection, Balderrama tackles a series of poems about the refugee crisis at the US-Mexico border. While Balderrama’s voice probably shouldn’t be centered in these conversations above the voices of folks like Javier Zamora and Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, I appreciate her series of poems revolving around immigration. Poems like “Water, 2014” are especially well-wrought and deserves to be included in the pantheon of borderlands literature.

I recommend this collection to anyone interested in poetry, Latinx literature, and writing about immigration.

Play For Time / Paula Jane Mendoza / 2020

Play for Time / Paula Jane Mendoza / 2020

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Paula Jane Mendoza puts the hip in hypnotic. Play for Time is a collection of poetry brimming with eros, longing, and fire. Think Natalie Diaz’s diction and rhythm tempered with Traci Brimhall’s slow soothing lyric. Typically, I am skeptical of literature with absurdly obscure or “long” words, but Mendoza finds a way to make words like “aphasic,” “maugre,” and “salamandrine” absolutely succulent . That said, you might need your dictionary handle.

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The organization of PFT can feel a quizzical if you if you are used to poetry collections with a linear narrative. PFT consciously writes against the linear narrative, opting for a narrative that contorts itself, is more scrambled. The section headers for example are “First,” “So,” “Then,” “Beginning,” and “Middle” with a poem called “Alternate Ending 1” in section “So” and a poem called “The End” in section “Then”—both in the middle of the book. Some poems are glibly titled “Lyric,” “Narrative Poem,” and “Sentimental “Poem,” drawing attention to their genre. Rather than detracting, these titles get fun: 1) “Lyric” sketches seductive imagery, trying to capture the ineffable sensation of eros, both as in love and a lust for life: “I have been wanting to write outside / of thinking…” Mendoza croons, “I’m stupid with spring / and impatient with those / that refuse to burst, too stubborn / to purple such sudden luxury / out the ground.” 2) “Narrative Poem” Rather than a poem that scribes the A-B-C narrative of a heartbreak, this poem centers the poet’s resistance to narrative, the desire to be removed from it. It’s very Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and even alludes to it in the prose poem. 3) “Sentimental Poem”: God knows too many woman have been called sentimental, but how else do you write a love poem to your long distance partner? I chuckle when the speaker bashfully notes, “If I am being honest, romantic comedies are my jam.”

There is the heartbreak of a Yesika Salgado poem, where the reader throws on a novela, perrea sola, and downs some ice cream to cool the ache. Then, there is the heartbreak of a Paula Mendoza poem, where it feels more like crying in front of the bathroom sink as you try to love yourself enough to brush your teeth and fail. “I / can’t for the line of me extract any more / than I am / tired. I am tired / of myself when I think / of you and nowhere we are / headed towards, the last word / always / the first, again. Again.” If line breaks were wrist locks, readers will be wearing casts for weeks. Her poems pace and punch silence like clothesline to the neck. Take “Engineer,” for example.

Lastly, erotic poetry is notoriously difficult to write without feeling cheap. Mendoza’s erotic poems in this collection must be expensive because they stupefy. Here’s some videos if you don’t believe me. I recommend this book for anyone interested in Filipinx/Pinay literature, Asian literature, poetry, sequencing collections, erotica, feminism, and Utah.

SUFFRAGE / Jenifer Nii / 2013

Suffrage / Jenifer Nii / 2013


It is absolutely wild to me that a non-Mormon Asian woman who didn’t even grow up in Utah managed to write one of the strongest, most compassionate portrayals I’ve ever seen of polygamist women. While Utah culture paints polygamists as backward outcasts, while the LDS church dodges and distorts its polygamist history, frequently throwing once-faithful LDS polygamists under the bus, Jenifer Nii manages to dramatize the tensions and tenderness between sister wives at a critical point in history. Unfolding during the suffragist movement, during Utah’s vying for statehood, and most significantly during the LDS church’s transition from a polygamist to sort of monogamous culture, SUFFRAGE tells the story of Ruth and Frances.

Ruth, in her 20s, is the 4th wife in the family. A natural outspoken leader she butts heads not only with the patriarchal culture of Utah and the US at large, but also with Frances, the second wife of the family, who is in her late 30s it seems. Frances and Ruth function as perfect foils. While Ruth spends her time busy politically organizing and fighting for women’s rights, Frances troubles herself most over the well-being of her family, criticizing Ruth’s idealism in favor of practicality—and survival. Without Frances, the children would have likely starved. While contemporary culture would likely view polygamous women with the same myopic lens it views hijabi women, SUFFRAGE does a great job of illustrating the power these women had and how they chose to wield it.

A two-person play, I was stunned by Nii’s ability to craft archaic dialogue so seamlessly. The language bounces like it’s alive, moving the plot forward. Never does it feel like a stale philosophical conversation between two opposed concepts. Every word builds the tension, reveals an important piece of the character. Craft-wise, I was most impressed and engulfed by the parallel scenes Nii constructed. That is, two separate scenes Ruth and Frances act out simultaneously. The dialogue from the scenes would intermix, like a contrapuntal, creating powerful juxtapositions and connections in distinct narratives. These juxtaposition helped build the tension between the two characters, between their religion, and between men and women.

If you’re interested in viewing an excellent live reading of the play, along with a Q&A with the author, the original cast, and historian Lindsay Hansen Park, please follow this link.

I recommend this play to anyone interested in Mormonism, Asian American literature, minimalistic theatre, feminism, monologues, and Utah history.

A Burning / Megha Majumdar / 2020

A Burning / Megha Majumdar / 2020

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A Burning is a gripping albeit intensely fraught novel obliquely commenting on the current political turmoil and persecution consuming India. It follows the perspectives of three characters—Jihan, PT, and Lovely—to effectively critique the lunatic rise of right-wing Hindu nationalism, known as Hindutva, its political party the BJP, and the stronghold it has inside the political and judicial system. Majumdar does this slyly, however, never mentioning the BJP by name and instead creating an alternative India with fictitious parties, perhaps in an attempt to avoid putting herself in the BJP line of fire. Majumdar’s most critical contribution is her clear-eyed confrontation of state terrorism.

The story of Jihan is ultimately a tragic one. She is accused of taking part in a terrorist plot because of outspoken but ultimately harmless social media posts. In the course of the novel and Jihan’s incarceration, we learn a lot about her backstory and through that learn a lot about the plight of impoverished Muslims. Majumdar is not Muslim, however, and Urdu and Muslim literati have taken issue with her portrayal. Irfam Ahmad offers a rather pointed critique in this regard, noting that while Majumdar successfully pivots the public discourse to talk about state terrorism, she fails to capture “the depth of cultural experience of what it means to be projected as a Muslim terrorist.” While this is somewhat true, my Bengali partner argues that this is partially because Jihan is a non-hijabi and a woman. There are many ways to be Muslim and the difference in Jihan’s experience can be accounted for. That said, she argues that Jihan’s cultural identity is blurry—it’s unclear whether she is Bengali or not, what particular identity she holds in the mix of Indian ethnic identities. Ahmad also shares his frustration that Urdu narratives are centered in these conversations. Jihan’s story, while captivating and empathy-building, still doesn’t read as trustworthy as the stories wrought by the pens of actual Muslims. At the same time, only a heartless reader wouldn’t fall in love with Jihan and her ideals. A Burning fiercely critiques the injustice done to Jihan. Her story becomes a parable for India, meant to galvanize anger and resistance against the abuses of the state.

PT is a frighteningly charming character at first, bumbling, shortsighted and easy-to-poke fun at as an ex-gym teacher turned politician. His old uncle wiliness quickly gets submerged with his political descent, spinelessness, and addiction to attention and power. My partner believes Majumdar nailed this voice the best. I, on the other hand, was definitely more taken away by Jihan and Lovely.

The parts I most loved about the book are also potentially the most fraught. My favorite character was Lovely—a hijra who is learning English from her tutor Jihan and who testifies in support of Jihan in court. Majumdar makes it easy to cheer her on in her journey of self-discovery. Lovely boldly carries her marginalized gender identity and dreams of becoming an actress despite repeated incidents of hatred, violence, and discrimination. In one particularly harrowing scene, Lovely narrates the castration of a fellow hijra and how it shaped her identity. According to my Bengali partner, however, Lovely’s English in A Burning, which is largely in the present tense, is not particularly educated or realistic. Rather it seems symbolic of the personality of the character. It’s hard for me to speak on this, as I’m not South Asian, a hijra, or a scholar familiar with the literature of both groups. However, it seems to me Majumdar’s depiction might be most easily critiqued because there are so few depictions of hijras. As a non-hijra, Majumdar has granted visibility to an oft erased narrative, but she has also assumed control of that narrative. No matter how compelling the writing, no matter how insightful the vision, A Burning carries that baggage. In particular, Majumdar dances between many stereotypical portrayals of hijras in South Asia. Westerners would not be privy to these, and as such, I didn’t notice them. Until I learn more about hijra culture and their depictions in literature, I think emotionally I’ll be unaffected by the critiques when I read Lovely’s narrative, even if intellectually I understand I should be feeling more tension.

According to my Bengali partner, the voice actors were likely diasporic Indians who botched the regional pronunciations of many words. This I also didn’t pick up on, as a Westerner.

Because of all the shortcomings when it comes to representations of the most marginalized groups, it’s hard to determine the value of a text like A Burning. It at once uses incredibly deft, addictive narrative storytelling, reliant on stereotype, and potentially misrepresents its most vulnerable communities. At times, it may feel like each character is a political tool given life. Even then, it is hard to deny the power of Majumdar’s prose.

I recommend this novel for anyone interested in South Asia, international literature, multiple perspectives in fiction, appropriation and marginalized narratives.

The Beauty of Your Face / Sahar Mustafah / 2020

The Beauty of Your Face / Sahar Mustafah / 2020

For those of you immediately put off by the title, you should know it’s a reference to a Palestinian folk song:

“Maghrib has come, the sun went down,

The shine is left on your face.

Maghrib has come, your face

shines more beautiful because of the sun.

I would like to warm myself

in the beauty of your face.”

The song is one our protagonist Afaf’s mother-in-law sings to her grandson as a lullaby. Sahar Mustafah notes that it’s a song from a country she fled. The Maghrib is one of the five mandatory prayers, and technically the first of the day, as an Islamic day starts at sunset. As a title, this reference draws our attention to the comfort and beauty Palestinian and Islamic culture offer Afaf and her community. It is an allusion to the resilience of the community in the face of warfare, migration, and systemic racism.

The Beauty of Your Face is a profoundly American book. Mustafah ambitiously covered the history of Afaf’s family from 9/11 to the present day, where an all-girl Muslim school suffers a mass shooting by a white supremacist. At the same time, Mustafah does not pander to a non-Muslim audience. Islamic terms and practices remain unexplained and untranslated: all of it is easily found on Google anyway. While many popular coming-of-age stories about Muslim teens tend to center on youthful rebellion against the religion and assimilation into white culture, TBOYF centers the perspective of a devout Muslim woman and balances her perspective with that of her agnostic brother and mother. They foil one another effectively, as well as capture realistic family dynamics in contemporary religious households.

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In a way, the TBOYF feels designed to teach non-Muslims about Islamophobia and invites the reader to more deeply engage with the way Islamophobia and intergenerational trauma impacts family dynamics, identity development, and communal behavior within some Muslim communities. As much of the narrative becomes a review of the ways Muslims are oppressed in the US, it also shows how community members draw strength and resilience from their traditions. TBOYF feels like the story of how Afaf becomes a woman strong enough to serve as a principal of an all-girl Muslim school and face down a white supremacist terrorist. In this way, the book is also a map for young Muslims to figure out what to cherish most about their cultures.

The text dips into the white supremacist’s backstory a bit, but his story serves more as a plot device to build tension as he inches closer and closer to the school, rather than revealing anything new or profound about white supremacists. This feels appropriate here. This is a story about Muslim resilience and beauty, not about white ugliness and hate.

As an ex-Mormon and child of Salvadoran refugees, I relate deeply with the family dynamics as portrayed by Mustafah. I am so glad this book exists. I recommend this book to anyone interested in feminism, Islamic or Middle Eastern literature, and writing about the American dream.

The Rise of Kyoshi / F. C. Yee / 2019

The Rise of Kyoshi / F. C. Yee / 2019

Those protective of the Avatar universe have little to fear and much to look forward to in The Rise of Kyoshi. F. C. Yee grafts Kyoshi’s story skillfully onto the universe, exploring new possibilities in the world of bending, as well as developing an Avatar more vengeful and hardened than ever before seen. Unlike Avatars Yanchen, Kuruk, Roku, Aang, and Korra, Kyoshi is not easily identified as an Avatar and subsequently raised in the lap of luxury. She’s an orphan, who ends up working as a servant in service of Yun, a talented young earthbender mistakenly identified as the Avatar. Kyoshi doesn’t receive the training and support Avatars are supposed to receive and she is forced to break many traditions in her struggle to survive. Gone is the privilege and naivete of Korra. Gone is the commitment to tradition and peacefulness of Aang. In its place, we have an Avatar familiar with the struggles of the most downtrodden and overlooked. Instead of elite bending masters, Kyoshi’s first lessons as an Avatar are with a gang of criminals she joins for protection. In battle, Kyoshi is predictably sloppy, except when she accesses the Avatar state. This seems appropriate for someone with her lack of training. Her first major villain is Jianzhu, an earthbending master whose grip on the Earth Kingdom and whose worldly standing make him a powerful political force. Rather than confront Jianzhu to bring him to justice for his war crimes, Kyoshi wants to murder him in vengeance for murdering her mentor Kelsang and getting Yun killed by a spirit. Where other Avatars are motivated by justice and world peace, Kyoshi is at first motivated by her own survival and safety.

Kyoshi is strong-willed and risk-taking yet feels distinctly different than Korra. Unlike Korra, Kyoshi is not much of an idealist. Unlike Aang, who feels innately innocent and pure at his core, Kyoshi lost her innocence early and has no problem getting her hands dirty. So far, Kyoshi is shaping up to be my favorite Avatar because of her sense of practicality and determination (getting things done by any means necessary), her principledness (her loyalty to those in her circle), and her toughness as she grunts and hobbles her way through pain. Kyoshi has the energy of a cornered fox.

While it is true that The Rise of Kyoshi features more violence than typically featured in Avatar, Yee did a great job preserving the cute anime comedy of the television series. For those curious about the violence, early on, Jianzhu uses bending to make small rocks serve as bullets. A few deaths happen in this first book.

Lastly, The Rise of Kyoshi does an excellent job navigating queerness. Whereas the Legend of Korra only softly hints at its queerness, Kyoshi engages it head on. The reader watches Kyoshi navigates what it means in real time as her relationship becomes known to others.

I recommend this book to all Avatar fans, anyone interested in YA and fantasy, especially with LGBTQ+ representation.

Crooked Hallelujahs / Kelli Jo Ford / 2020

Crooked Hallelujahs / Kelli Jo Ford / 2020

Crooked Hallelujahs will drip down your throat slow and hot as a whole bottle of whiskey. Kelli Jo Ford’s loving depictions of her characters may not make the challenges they face burn any less, but it does give the novel a heartrending pulse that will keep you invested in their lives. The novel follows three generations of Cherokee women in Oklahoma and other parts of rural America. Each character has suffered enough for an opera of their own. But amid the fights, heartbreaks, and attacks, the women find ways to tether themselves to one another and the future.

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There are a couple of things the novel portrays exceptionally effectively:

1) Christianity - Lula, the grandmother in the family, fills the house with a haunted Holy Ghost. The poisoning aspects of conservative Christian culture choke her daughters with expectations of docile, submissiveness and repress their desires and dreams. It’s impossible to understand the history of the Americas without understanding the colonial violence of Christianity on indigenous communities. Crooked Hallelujah captures the ways this form of colonial violence still shapes and warps families. For me, at least, this portrayal helped make this violence less abstract and more concrete and real.

2) Rural life and class — Like the characters of Rebecca Clarren’s Kickdown, the characters of Crooked Hallelujah are beleaguered by broken dreams: the lack of economic opportunities, failed romantic relationships, victimhood, and so forth. Hard work is a given in the novel and not romanticized.

3) Environmental Issues - Several moments in the novel highlight environmental issues faced in rural communities, especially the last chapter, where the effects of climate change are read as a literal apocalypse by Lula. For an altogether slow-paced (slow-paced is not the same as boring!) novel, it ends with an adrenaline pumping bang!

I recommend this book to anyone interested in multiple perspective storytelling, Native literature, feminist literature, and environmental literature.

A Brief History of Seven Killings / Marlon James / 2014

A Brief History of Seven Killings / Marlon James / 2014

At 706 pages and practically each chapter packed with graphic scenes of political and gang violence, A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James is not for the faint-of-heart. I listened to it an Audible because it looked like an ambitious project that delved into the biography of Bob Marley, the Cold War, and the history of Jamaica, as well as grappled with questions of how to portray violence in the Global South without becoming trauma porn.

Written in multiple perspectives, the narrators rotate to include small-time drug-addled gangsters (sometimes they’re even gay!), big-time drug-addled gangsters, Jamaican maids, a rogue journalist, US intelligence officials, and I’m sure a few others I’m forgetting to mention. The audio book is brilliantly performed. According to Marlon James, he wanted it to be “a novel that would be driven only by voice”, and in this extent, he succeeded magnificently. Piecing together the plot and keeping track of different characters is painfully dizzying and chaotic, as this plethora of voices each bring their own biases, contradictions—as a reader you will be forced to navigate the voices of dozens of flawed narrators. I had a tough time following the exact cause-and-effect of the plot beyond the broad strokes, which made me glob onto the voices of the characters as a reader.

When it comes to poetry especially, I have typically been able to get through a first reading of heavy work rather quickly even if its exhausting. I read most of [insert] boy in one day, for example. The power of violence in poetry is typically that it is lyrical enough to bear and emotionally gripping enough to haunt you: to make your visit more than just a trauma porn visit, to encourage you to seriously meditate over these issues. This is not the work A Brief History of Seven Killings. If ABHOSK avoids being trauma porn, it’s because trauma porn is supposed to be voyeuristically thrilling. The violence of ABHOSK is so overwhelming and ever present, it was sickening to try to get through. There are several attempted and completed sexual assaults and murders narrated. Early on, police investigate a rape allegation by asking all the men in the vicinity to strip and hump the floor. Here I think it would be useful to quote this telling part of an interview with the author, Marlon James:

“VASISHTA: This novel is possibly one of the most violent in Caribbean literature. Did you have a threshold to your violence?

JAMES: I’m a big believer that violence should be violent. That’s the problem with a lot of with a lot of PG-13 violence. Violence has consequences. People bleed and people die, and so it should be violent. You can end up in a sort of pornography of violence, but you have to risk pornography. If your depiction of loss doesn’t make the reader feel loss, then you didn’t depict it right.

VASISHTA: The dialogue is so real. The air is always pregnant with danger. It’s not an easy read by any standard. I’m sure people will put this book down thinking you must have seen some pretty rough things in your life.”

The reason James avoids becoming trauma porn in my opinion is that he has written a book that is nearly unbearable to get through.

If you took a shot for every time the word “pussyhole” shows up, you will be in the hospital with severe alcohol poisoning and several bottles left to drink.

I would not recommend this book to most readers, but if you are interested in Jamaican history, Bob Marley, the Cold War, voice-driven literature, multiple perspectives in literature, or are wrestling with questions about how to ethically portray violence, I would recommend this book. There is an obsession with the “real Jamaica” in this book that would make it ripe for an exploration of national identity.

Furia / Yamile Saied Méndez / 2020

Furia / Yamile Saied Méndez / 2020

As a YA novel marketed most heavily towards girls of color, especially Latinas, I did not expect to fall in love with Furia, but I definitely did. In her YA, Méndez writing finds its stride with fast-paced writing, relatable characters, and issues of gender on the forefront. In Furia, our protagonist Camila Hassan secretly plays soccer against her family’s wishes. She’s good enough she’s vying for a spot in an elite league that regularly gives rise to professional athletes. Her strong personality, career ambitions, romantic interests, safety in Argentina, and family expectations all come to a head in this page turner that juggles each of these big issues seamlessly.

As a Latinx person, I sometimes watch soccer during the world cups. I played the sport on a team briefly and terribly during middle school for a year or so, but other than that, I am not hugely into soccer, especially as much as some of my global south peers. Even the nerdiest of them seem to be fluent in futbol-ese, the best players, rivalries, so forth. I was skeptical whether I would find the writing around sports engaging at all, or whether it would come across as a little meat-heady. Méndez does a fabulous job instilling the games with personal and communal stakes important to the story. For Camila, futbol is not just a game—it becomes a means towards financial security, a place where women can be strong in a society that obsessed with their supposed inferiority. The action is narratively swiftly with a clarity that is almost lyrical.

Méndez has a knack for writing strong female characters. As in On These Magical Shores, Camila is again strong-willed, risk-taking, and excellent young woman. She shoulders the burden of being the eldest or only daughter in a Latinx/Latin American family. For those familiar with Avatar, Camila is written in the same vein as Korra. If Méndez continues along this path, I might long for a more flawed and nuanced depiction of her heroines, but for now, I think it’s necessary and useful for her to write these powerful, excellent young heroines into the world.

Furia does an excellent job capturing the “bigness” of young love. There’s an insecurity, a longing, and idealism that makes young love especially big. I found myself fondly swooning for and reminiscing about the infatuations of my youth. Camila’s love interest throughout the novel is Diego, a sexy-flexy hot shot soccer player, who—plot twist—actually turns out to be a decent guy for the most part. Her relationship with Diego is strained by long distance (I can deeply relate), Latin family nosiness (I can deeply relate), and competing career interests (I can deeply relate). Before long, I found myself rooting for these young lovers, as they found themselves in difficult situations all too familiar in modern romance. My favorite part is that Camila models what it is like for women to advocate for their careers in relationships and, to my delight, when push comes to shove Camila doesn’t sacrifice her career for her dream boy; instead she gets him to see her vision with a bit of effort and tension. For those concerned about explicit content, the novel only implicitly alludes to potential sexual activity by referring to the pressure and expectations of young Latinas to be sexually conservative.

Furia also does a great job discussing #niunamenos and the politics around femicide in Latin America, where female victims are blamed and villainized for their own deaths and sexual assaults. Camila faces lots of scrutiny around her clothing, times she leaves the house, who she hangs out with, and what activity she engages in, especially compared to her brother. Camila’s story shows how all these issues are connected. In advocating for herself, Camila provides young readers with the feminist arguments they need to fight for their passions and freedom in their own lives. These lessons will be invaluable for many of the youth picking up this book.

Lastly, in a Q&A with the author, a young Argentina said she found Méndez’s portrayal of Argentina true-to-life.

I recommend this book for anyone interested in YA lit, especially Latina writers, feminist books for youth, LDS authors, and Sports literature. I bought a copy for my niece for Christmas.

PS I know no one asked, but Furia >>>>>>>>>>>> I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by a lot!

Finna / Nate Marshall / 2020


If you have yet to discover the work of Nate Marshall, you should know he’s one of the most important poets of the 21st century, period. Those already familiar with his work, in particular his debut collection of poetry Wild Hundreds, will find more of the Nate Marshall we know and love. In his new collection Finna, Marshall retraces formative experiences growing up in the Wild Hundreds of Chicago, again there’s a handful of heartbroken love poems, even another Harold’s Chicken Shack poem. All are delivered in his distinctive style: frequently dodging capital letters, the use of numbers rather than the spellings of numbers, the easy comfort of his hometown tongue, a Chicago African American vernacular. Each poem still knocks with forms that will make you flip the book upside down (literally) and ghazals with Chicago slang.

The collection is framed by two quotes. One from Chicago poet Malik Yusef, from “Crack Music,” a song he is featured on in Kanye West’s sophomore album Late Registration. In the song, West illustrates how the same forces of misery, violence, and oppression that have created the crack industry and addiction in Black communities are the same forces that have shaped Black music. Both West and Yusef draw -parallels between the crack game and music game. The song is forceful ars poetica that argues against the whitewashing of Black language and experience. It insists you wrestle with the gravity of history, warts and all, rather than sanitizing and commodifying it, as Black culture is often repackaged for the consumption of non-Black folks. The line Marshall borrows is “this dark diction has become america’s addiction.”

The second quote comes from Thomas Jefferson, who Marshall rightfully refers to as “some white boy”; it’s from his “Notes on the State of Virginia”: “Among the blacks is misery enough, God knows, but no poetry.” Dig a bit further into this text and you’ll see that Jefferson was particularly interested in discrediting the work of poet Phillis Wheatley, the first African American author of a book of poetry, whose work often engaged Christian themes. If you are new to her work, read this, then this. Marshall’s book is a direct response to the Jefferson quote, as Finna is very intentionally rooted in the poetry of the Black vernacular.

Being rooted in the Black vernacular means more the incorporation of words like finna. Rather, Marshall is interested in interrogating the way Black language has been used, as a means of comfort and as a weapon, and exploring how far it can be pushed. Poems like “landless acknowledgement” and “the valley of its making” look at home our language becomes our home. Poems like “my mom’s favorite rapper was Too $hort” and “the homies ask if i’m tryna smash” look at the ways patriarchal violence is embedded in language. Poems like “Finna,” “Aubade for the whole hood” and “what it is & will be” dream of better worlds and the language that it would take to get there.

I don’t think I got much more to say about the book other than its a relief to know poets like Nate Marshall exist in the world. His work is a testament to the fact that as an artist there are ways of creating without compromising yourself or your soul.

I recommend this book for anyone interested in poetry and hip-hop.

On These Magic Shores / Yamile Saied Méndez/ 2020

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Yamile Saied Méndez is quickly carving out a space for herself as an author of books for young people and children. A proud Latina, she is marketed as a contemporary of Elizabeth Acevedo and Erika Sanchez, and it’s a worthy comparison. Méndez’s middle grade novel On These Magic Shores tells the story of a Latina girl whose mother mysteriously disappears for a few days, leaving her and her younger sisters to fend for themselves. I was drawn to the novel because I am curious about how authors for young readers grapple with the everyday violence people of color face in this country. The novel summary raises the specter of immigration enforcement perhaps being responsible for the mother’s disappearance. How do we share these very important stories of trauma and systemic oppression to our young in a loving and caring way?

Méndez responds by calling on the strength of the eldest daughter. Especially in Latinx families, the eldest daughter bears a huge responsibility, partially raising her younger siblings with a high level of expectation and control from her parents. In On These Magic Shores, Méndez conjures a Latina girl, who is ambitious, sharp, and like many of our eldest daughters, unbelievably strong. “Peter Pan was an idiot,” Minnie begins, “Only an idiot would wish to be a child forever.” Minnie quickly sets herself off as a no-nonsense girl with big dreams of eventually becoming the president of the United States. Minnie’s first conflict is her desire to be cast as the lead female in Peter Pan, as it fits into the plans' of her slow but sure ascent to the highest office in the country. This move on the path of Méndez is brilliant, because it allows her to critique and play with Peter Pan. Minnie’s frequent challenges to the teachers and adults around her provides young readers with a model of how to advocate for themselves, especially when the adults in their lives may not have the skills to advocate for them. It gives them the space to process the racial tensions in a lot of canonical literature. At times, this tendency towards societal critique felt a little heavy-handed, leaving me seriously impressed with how woke and informed Minnie is throughout the novel. That said, I think the presence of such a socially conscious character is important to introduce younger readers to conversations about privilege and difference; Minnie’s observations and remarks throughout the novel are less jarring the less you underestimate our youth.

The novel managed to maintain a rather realist outlook even while introducing the occasional miracle of magic and even a fairy or two. The magic acts appear at moments when Minnie or her sisters would have otherwise suffered immense loss or harm and exist in a field of uncertainty at first. There is no way of writing about fairies without a bit of mush and glitter, but the mush and glitter are couched well, delivered from the unconstrained perspective of Minnie’s younger sister Avi, who sees the fairies and interacts with them most directly.

Minnie shows incredible wit and resilience in the face of unfair, dire circumstances. I most appreciate this book for the way it encourages the young to see and appreciate the labor of this eldest daughter, for centering her dreams without sugarcoating the obstacles that stand between them and Minnie.

I recommend this book for anyone interested in middle grade novels and YA, especially those that feature marginalized voices.

Seeing the Body / Rachel Eliza Griffiths / 2020

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There is something ineffable about Rachel Eliza Griffiths’ voice that I’m have a hard time pinning down, so let us begin with the facts. Seeing the Body is a collection of poems that wrestle with the fallout after the death of the poet’s mother. The collection is split by a series of tender yet haunting black-and-white photographic self-portraits, where the poet’s body frequently echoes an aspect of the landscape or setting, managing to be both strikingly individual yet part of the whole. None of these photos gives us a clear shot of the poet’s face, although we do get some blurry glimpses at hair and shadow and in one photo we get her profile. This defacing that occurs in the photographs feels less like an evasion or shy attempt to shield her ego from scrutiny and feels more like a literal defacing caused by grief. In fact, Griffith’s body—caught in contortion, in motion, sometimes naked, in fetal position, on the floor—is painfully and powerfully vulnerable. Her body is shrunk by the landscapes and settings, the immensity of them, the fullness of their blank space. In the last photo of the series, for example, she is dwarfed by an immense tree. She stands with her knees bent, her gaze looking up at the leaves and branches, as if in supplication. The tree is in full blossom, a commonplace symbol of life and age, and here it seems to spiritually invoke the lost mother. The photos have a way of quieting the spirit, asking the viewer to listen to the silence, the absence, to melt into the landscape, the moment.

And from this emptiness springs Griffith’s voice, bursting like a hot spring, so crystal sharp, clear, and fluid, sometimes scalding, sometimes rejuvenating to the touch. I have no eye-popping analysis of these poems, though I’m a sure a more deft reader and writer would have something to say of the forms and strategies she employs. Instead, let me share with you a few of my favorite poems from the collection and why I love them. Selecting poems was a difficult exercise because literally every poem packs a punch, but here are my faves.

“Chosen Family”: At a time of extreme isolation in my life, this poem makes me feel less lonely. It invites me to hope for the new kin I will fine, rather than mourning the kin I’ve lost. The anaphora of “when you find your people” echoing throughout the poem makes the discovery of your chosen family destiny, not possibility. Much like Danez Smith’s Homie collection, this poem reminds me what makes friendships holy. This poem will hold you until your new kin finds you.

“Color Theory & Praxis”: One of the things that impressed me the most about Rachel Eliza Griffiths when she ran a poetry workshop at the Frost Place was her ability to critique with love. When white colleagues brought racially problematic poems, she found a way to tenderly hold their insecurities yet forcefully challenge them to improve. The same ethos and tenderness is found in this duo of poems, forcefully responding to a white artist’s notorious painting of Emmett Till.

“My Rapes”: This is likely the most painful poem in the collection. Here, Griffiths starts by analyzing the ways “rape” poems get talked about in creative writing classrooms. “A teacher pulled his prize-winning teeth across the shoulders / of my poems. ‘I gave you a hard critique,’ he said, / then offered to save me from becoming / a terrible poet.” Further on, “A woman I loved told me / to use a clear verb. ‘Was it actually Rape? Like Rape-Rape?” Griffiths focuses on the jaded, tactless mistakes people make when holding such a deep part of someone’s pain. This strikes me because creative writers often like to pat themselves on the back for how much their work helps others humanize and understand different people. Here, creative writing culture does the opposite: the skills and techniques we’ve been taught actually make us more likely to dehumanize our fellow writer and treat them callously. I’ve been in the room when “rape” poems were discussed and been crushed by the overly literary perspective of the workshop facilitator. For that alone, this poem is one that needs to be taught more often. To teach us to undo the most disconnected parts of our pedagogy and relating with one another.

In the heart of the poem, Griffiths asks, “Why will we try to praise a mutilated world & leave / our mutilated women in the margins to fend / for our worth beneath moonlit headstones? / I want to believe I am urging survival, / that I live the same impulse of the great poets / to praise suffering, to feel the merciful world shimmering / in spite of its injury, but women everywhere / face our executioners, however kind or coarse.” Here Griffiths takes a hard look at the reality of what healing means and what poetry can offer. She goes on to wrestle with her mother’s responses to her experiences later in the poem and wrestles with those just as fiercely and honestly as well. For this poem alone, this book is worth its weight in diamonds.

“Husband” : This poem wrestles in the sticky tensions between the ideal of love and love in practice, the ways we fail to measure up in ways we hoped in our most important relationships. I love this poem for the space it creates for brokenness. “Forgive the hours you waited in our ruin / of happiness. We always knew I was wild, wrecked,” the poem begins. As someone whose circumstances have given my partner more than her fair share of grief, I I am grateful for the honesty of this poem, the way it redeems our aching love.

“Mirror”: In this short dagger of a poem, Griffiths riffs off of Sylvia Plath for a poem about a mirror. “You immaculate bitch of glass,” it begins, with a line the cut straight to the heart of your self-hate. There’s a wrestling with the self, with the shiftiness of it here that hits me like a deep breath of air, massaging the heaviness in my shoulders.

“Father” : Griffiths is particularly masterful at long, one-stanza poems. You can feel her line breaks in your throat while you read. There’s a resoluteness, tenacity and vulnerability in this poem that is exemplified throughout the whole collection. Here, the poet begins with a memory that makes us care for the father and his well-being before moving to a painful interaction with the father. This juxtaposition of these two moments feel hot in my face. What I appreciate most about many poems in this collection is that they teach me how to grieve my dead: bravely, embracing as much as I can of their complete selves and honoring them that way. In this collection, you won’t find any empty platitudes about how time heals all wounds or the countless other lying things people will attempt to comfort you with when your mother dies. Instead, you’ll find a sister willing to sit in the storm with you—through every cloud and thunderclap.

I recommend this book for anyone interested in poetry, black feminism, anyone who is grieving, anyone interested in the interplay between photography and poetry. Seeing the Body is fierce and powerful as crystal.